Project: The Bliss Thaoom
Location: Tha Tum Subdistrict, Sri Maha Phot District, Prachinburi Province
Property code: T-106571
Type: Townhouse
Area: 26.0 square wah (? 8.00 meters: 13.50 meters
Bedroom: 2 rooms (2? : Kitchen, guest room, storage room
Parking: 1 vehicle
Direction: South
More details: 3 air conditioning, 1 water heater, 1 wardrobe, 1 television shelf, a reception table
4 wooden chairs, 2 marble tables (? , Nick in the industry 304
Price: 1,250,000 baht
Link map:,101.55017360
( :************** Ready to give advice Available in all banks **
** With special interest rates and a maximum limit of 90-100% of the assessment value **
Interested in asking for more information or appointment at the house
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Line ID: MOTAYA2020
Tel: 08636477 Doll Code 60887-1)
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